Already we are witnessing the standoff between Tamil Nadu and Kerela on the dam issue and sharing of water. We had also seen the issue of sharing Kavery waters for almost four decades. While we are still not trying to comprehend the propensity of water as a scarce resource, the day is not far off when people kill one another for the sake of water. Drinking water will become the most valuable input for survival and its scarcity will spell doomsday for humanity. Developing countries will face the utmost burden as today these countries contribute to the maximum wastage of potable water in the world and they do not have any mechanism for plugging this wastage> moreover developing economies have been exploiting the ground water for ages without any concrete methodology for natural conservation as a result of which the water table has gone down significantly.
Rain water harvesting is still an alien word and the day is not far off when water will become more costlier than other commodities.
May be we as an individual try to at least plant one tree a year and help conservation of this valuable resource, fast facing depletion.
Indeed why only one; as and when an individual finds time, he / she plant as many trees as many as possible. this suggestion of yours finds mention in one of my blogs of Apr 2010. I had suggested that each family has lot many anniversaries; marriage, birth et al. Can we have few anniversary tree plantations rather / besides the typical cake cuttings.